Thursday, February 01, 2007

Liverpool, Hicks, and the end of the world as we know it

Have you heard that Tom Hicks wants to buy a 50% interest in Liverpool? Wasn't it just a couple years ago that he was trying to sell either the Stars or the Rangers because owning a professional sports franchise is a money-losing proposition (his words)? Which is bullshit... owning a semi-successful sports franchise today is a license to print money.

Doesn't he continually whine and complain about having a high payroll for the Rangers? Even though we're in the 8th biggest media market in the country, and the payroll is significantly lower than the likes of the NY, Chicago and west coast teams... this is the reason that he gives for not going out and signing the big name pitchers that the Rangers need to even be competitive in the weakest division in baseball, much less be a playoff team.

If he's unable to field a competitive team with the Rangers, which has one of the most loyal, forgiving fan bases in all of professional sports, that's one thing. The fans still go to the games and aren't really vocal in their complaints and ciriticisms. But I have to think that the Liverpool fans will literally call for his head if he gives the same sort of half-assed effort for them that he does for the Rangers. Liverpool is one of the premier teams in the WORLD ... in one of the biggest leagues in the world... of a worldwide sport. Not just the third ranked team (of 4) in the weakest division in a sport that is clearly on the decline. He can revel in in profiteering without big spending with ease here in Arlington. In Liverpool, he won't have that luxury. I think he's in for a rude awakening. Liverpool will be like the Yankees, Cowboys, and Lakers combined, in terms of media and fan expectations. They will not be kind to him if he takes the 'profits first, team be damned' stance that he's taken with the Stars and Rangers here the last several years.

While I don't want to see Liverpool fail, I really hope that if Hicks DOES acquire half ownership, he gets the rude awakening that he deserves. He's half-assed sports ownership in Texas for far too long. He's a HUGE part of the reason that I don't care about baseball anymore. I used to be a rabid baseball fan in general, and an extremely loyal Rangers fan. But over the last 10 years, I've realized that Hicks doesn't care about winning. He cares about profitablility - and this is why I don't go to Ranger games anymore, why I don't buy Ranger merchandise, or watch them on TV. I decided a few years ago that I will no longer contribute to Ranger profitability, if they don't care about putting a winning team on the field.

I feel sorry for the Liverpool fans. I hope he doesn't buy the team.


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