Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Return of the Banshee


My last concert review post was for Rush, which happened a couple months ago. The one before that was for Blue Man Group which was about a year ago.

The two meld together for the ultimate in beatdowns in.....


Blue Man Group returned to Dallas for their How to Be a Megastar 2.1 concert tour, which was being recorded by HD Net for a forthcoming broadcast, and presumably a DVD. I'm a huge fan of Blue Man Group and will likely go every time they come through town.

The show was pretty similar to the last one, so I won't bother to write out a review. What I'm writing about is the new scourge of my life, the concert bansheeâ„¢.

I paid well over $60 apiece for these concert tickets because I wanted to enjoy a multimedia feast for the senses. Nowhere in the price of my ticket does it say "included with your ticket price is a fucking idiot bitch in the seat behind you who will scream like she is being raped by Satan himself every 30 seconds throughout the duration of the show." I mean, I am talking literally a blood-curdling scream. I had to take blood thinners for the next 24 hours.

I understand that people get excited at concerts, and they want to let their appreciation be known to the performers. Fine.

In the name of all that is holy, and before I kill one of you, don't fucking do it during a god damn song. You're deafening everyone around you and detracting from our enjoyment of the show.

When you wail like the damned, and everyone around you is covering their ears, this should be a sign that you are being the most annoying person in the universe. Fuck you, and your dog. If I could do it without getting arrested for assault, I would shove a dirty gym sock in your mouth and duct tape your howling maw shut. Please, for the sake of others AND for your own continued survival, when someone turns around and says "shut the fuck up!" ... do so. The next time, the person may not be non-voilent like myself, and may actually do what I fantasize about. Or worse. And I'd LOVE to witness that.


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