Thursday, September 14, 2006

Spam Subject Line of the Day??

Actually, I'm here to say that I think that they are on to me. In the last three weeks, I've cleaned out my yahoo, gmail, pobox, and hotmail spam boxes with all due diligence. And not one funny spam subject line has shown itself. Not even any that are remotely interesting, or eyebrow-raising. This disturbs me highly. Fortunately, I have had one saved for just such an occasion.

"Suck my catling."

I don't know how to comment on this. It is simultaneously funny and disturbing.

Vacation is underway. Canoe trip starts Saturday. Huzzah!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Spam Subject Line of the Day

Today's morsel is baffling, yet disturbing.

"You step closer to the toilet, we fix it"

Fix what, exactly? The toilet? My need to step closer to the toilet? Why would I need to step closer? And what, exactly would you do to fix that? I mean... in order to sell a product, you need to identify to me the problem that your product or service fixes. You've left so many details up to the imagination that I can't justify the expense of whatever you are selling.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Spam Subject Line(s) of the Day

A couple to make up for the lack of recent postings:

"Be go he philospher comely chicken"
- hmmm.. disturbing on many levels

"As far as I know, we are the best"
- in the world of Spam and all the blowhard outlandish claims therein, I find it oddly refreshing for a hint of modesty here.

"Time to save more chiffon moment"
- ummmm... what?

"Eat not to dullness, drink not to elevation."
- wow. While I heartily agree with the first half, I have to take exception to the second part.

"Find out how to make up to $6329 per month."
- "up to"?? Here's a personal pet peeve of mine. If you're going to use an exact phrase like 6392, don't preceed it with an approximating phrase like 'up to' ... like "we have over 63 cameras throughout the course" ... why don't you just say 64?

Also, my friend Margaret has moved her blog to a new address, which she says will offer her more opportunity for creativity. It's ... also linked to the right.